General Information

Halfords Group plc is a company domiciled in the United Kingdom. The consolidated financial statements of the Company as at and for the period ended 30 March 2018 comprise the Company and its subsidiary undertakings.

Statement of Compliance

The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the EU ("adopted IFRSs").

Basis of Preparation

The consolidated financial statements of Halfords Group plc and its subsidiary undertakings (together "the Group") are prepared on a going concern basis for the reasons set out in the Directors' Report, and under the historical cost convention, except where adopted IFRSs require an alternative treatment. The principal variations relate to financial instruments (IFRS 9 "Financial instruments") and share-based payments (IFRS 2 "Share-based payment").

The financial statements are presented in millions of UK pounds, rounded to the nearest £0.1m.

The accounts of the Group are prepared for the period up to the Friday closest to 31 March each year. Consequently, the financial statements for the current period cover the 52 weeks to 30 March 2018, whilst the comparative period covered the 52 weeks to 31 March 2017.

Basis of Consolidation

Subsidiary Undertakings

A subsidiary investment is an entity controlled by Halfords. Control is achieved when Halfords is exposed, or has rights to variable returns from its involvement with the investee and has the ability to affect those returns through its power, directly or indirectly, over the investee.

Inter-company transactions, balances and unrealised gains on transactions between Group companies are eliminated on consolidation. Unrealised losses are also eliminated unless the transaction provides evidence of an impairment of the asset transferred.

The financial statements of all subsidiary undertakings are prepared to the same reporting date as the Company. All subsidiary undertakings have been consolidated.

The subsidiary undertakings of the Company at 30 March 2018 are detailed in note 4 to the Company balance sheet.

Business Combinations

The acquisition of subsidiaries is accounted for using the purchase method. The cost of the acquisition is measured at the aggregate of the fair values, at the date of exchange, of assets given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity instruments issued by the Group in exchange for control of the acquiree. Acquisition related costs are recognised as expenses in the period in which the costs are incurred.

The identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of the acquired entity that meet the conditions for recognition under IFRS 3 'Business Combinations' are recognised at their fair value at the acquisition date.

Goodwill arising on acquisition is recognised as an asset and initially measured at cost, being the excess of the cost of the business combination over the Group's interest in the net fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities recognised. If, after reassessment, the Group's interest in the net fair value of these elements exceeds the cost of the business combination, the excess is recognised immediately in the income statement.

Revenue Recognition


Retail revenue comprises the fair value of the sale of goods and services to external customers, net of value added tax, rebates, promotions and returns. Revenue is recognised on the sale of goods when the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods have passed to the buyer and the amount of revenue can be measured reliably. Revenue on goods delivered is recognised when the customer accepts delivery and on services when those services have been rendered.

Car Servicing

Car Servicing revenue comprises the provision of servicing to external customers, net of value added tax, rebates and promotions. Revenue is recognised at the point at which those services have been rendered.

Promotions, Gift Cards and Returns

The Group operates a variety of sales promotion schemes that give rise to goods and services being sold at a discount to standard retail price. Revenue is adjusted to show sales net of all related discounts. A provision for estimated returns is made representing the profit on goods sold during the year which are expected to be returned and refunded after the year end based on past experience. Revenue is reduced by the value of sales returns provided for during the year. Deferred income in relation to gift card redemptions is estimated on the basis of historical returns and redemption rates.

Finance Income

Finance income comprises interest income on funds invested. Income is recognised, as it accrues in profit or loss, using the effective interest rate method.

Non-recurring Items

Non-recurring items are those items that are unusual because of their size, nature or incidence. The Group's management consider that these items should be separately identified within their relevant income statement category to enable a full understanding of the Group's results.

Earnings Per Share

The Group presents basic and diluted earnings per share (EPS) data for its ordinary shares. Basic EPS is calculated by dividing the profit or loss attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period, adjusted for own shares held. Diluted EPS is determined by adjusting the profit or loss attributable to ordinary shareholders and the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding, adjusted for own shares held, for the effects of all dilutive potential ordinary shares, which comprise share options granted to employees.

The Group has also chosen to present an alternative earnings per share measure, with profit adjusted for non-recurring items. A reconciliation of this alternative measure to the statutory measure required by IFRS is given in note 9.

Foreign Currency Translation

Functional and Presentation Currency

The consolidated financial statements are presented in pounds sterling, which is the Group's presentation currency and are rounded to the nearest hundred thousand. Items included in the financial statements of the Group's entities are measured using the currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates (the functional currency).

Transactions and Balances

Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded at the exchange rate prevailing on the date of the transaction. At each balance sheet date, monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are retranslated at the exchange rate prevailing at the balance sheet date. Translation differences on monetary items are taken to the income statement with the exception of differences on transactions that are subject to effective cash flow hedges, which are recognised in other comprehensive income.

Non-monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies that are measured at fair value are retranslated at the exchange rate at the date that the fair value was determined. Foreign currency differences arising on retranslation are recognised in profit or loss, except for differences arising on qualifying cash flow hedges, which are recognised in other comprehensive income.

The assets and liabilities of foreign operations are translated to sterling at the exchange rate at the reporting date. The income and expenses of foreign operations are translated to sterling at an average exchange rate. Foreign currency differences are recognised in other comprehensive income and a separate component of equity. When a foreign operation is disposed of, the relevant amount in equity is transferred to profit or loss.

Employee Benefits

i) Pensions

The Halfords Pension Plan is a contract based plan, where each member has their own individual pension policy, which they monitor independently. The Group pays fixed contributions and has no legal or constructive obligation to pay further amounts. The costs of contributions to the scheme are charged to the income statement in the period that they arise.

ii) Share-based Payment Transactions

The Group operates a number of equity-settled share-based compensation plans.

The fair value of the employee services received under such schemes is recognised as an expense in the income statement. Fair values are determined by use of an appropriate pricing model and incorporate an assessment of relevant market performance conditions.

The amount to be expensed over the vesting period is adjusted to reflect the number of awards for which the related service and non-market vesting conditions are expected to be met, such that the amount ultimately recognised as an expense is based on the number of awards that meet the related service and non-market performance conditions at the vesting date.

At each balance sheet date, the Group revises its estimates of the number of share incentives that are expected to vest. The impact of the revision of original estimates, if any, is recognised in the income statement, with a corresponding adjustment to equity.


Income tax expense comprises current and deferred tax. Current tax and deferred tax are recognised in profit or loss except to the extent that it relates to a business combination, or items recognised directly in equity or in other comprehensive income.

Current tax is the expected tax payable or receivable on the taxable income or loss for the year, using tax rates enacted or substantively enacted, at the reporting date, and any adjustment to tax payable in respect of previous years.

The tax base of an asset is the amount that will be deductible for tax purposes against any taxable economic benefits that will flow to an entity when it recovers the carrying amount of the asset. If those economic benefits will not be taxable, the tax base of the asset is equal to its carrying amount.

The tax base of a liability is its carrying amount, less any amount that will be deductible for tax purposes in respect of that liability in future periods. In the case of revenue which is received in advance, the tax base of the resulting liability is its carrying amount, less any amount of the revenue that will not be taxable in future periods.

Deferred taxation is provided in full, using the liability method, on temporary differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the consolidated financial statements. However, if the deferred taxation arises from initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction other than a business combination, that at the time of the transaction affects neither accounting nor taxable profit or loss, it is not accounted for. Deferred taxation is calculated using rates that are expected to apply when the related deferred asset is realised or the deferred taxation liability is settled.

Deferred taxation assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the temporary differences can be utilised.


Final dividends are recognised in the Group's financial statements in the period in which the dividends are approved by shareholders. Interim equity dividends are recognised in the period they are paid.

Intangible Assets

i) Goodwill

Goodwill is initially recognised as an asset at cost and is reviewed for impairment at least annually. Goodwill is subsequently measured at cost less any accumulated impairment losses. An impairment charge is recognised in profit or loss for any amount by which the carrying value of goodwill exceeds its recoverable amount.

For the purposes of impairment testing, goodwill is allocated to each of the Group's cash-generating units expected to benefit from the synergies of the combination. Cash-generating units to which goodwill has been allocated are tested for impairment annually, or more frequently when there is an indication that the unit may be impaired.

For acquisitions prior to 3 April 2010 costs directly attributable to business combinations formed part of the consideration payable when calculating goodwill. Adjustments to contingent consideration, and therefore the consideration payable and goodwill, are made at each reporting date until the consideration is finally determined.

Acquisitions after this date fall under the provisions of 'Revised IFRS 3 Business Combinations (2009)'. For these acquisitions transaction costs, other than share and debt issue costs, will be expensed as incurred and subsequent adjustments to the fair value of consideration payable will be recognised in profit or loss.

ii) Computer Software

Costs that are directly associated with identifiable and unique software products controlled by the Group, and that will generate economic benefits beyond one year are recognised as intangible assets. These intangible assets are stated at cost less accumulated amortisation and impairment losses. Software is amortised over three to five years depending on the estimated useful economic life.

iii) Acquired Intangible Assets

Intangible assets that are acquired as a result of a business combination are recorded at fair value at the acquisition date, provided they are identifiable and capable of reliable measurement.

Amortisation is recognised in profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of intangible assets, other than goodwill, from the date that they are available for use, since this most closely reflects the expected pattern of consumption of the future economic benefits embodied in the asset. The estimated useful lives for the current and comparative periods are as follows:

  • Brand names and trademarks - 2 years, in respect of Autocentres, and 10 years in respect of cBoardman;
  • Customer relationships - 5 to 15 years; and
  • Favourable leases - over the term of the lease.

Amortisation methods, useful lives and residual values are reviewed at each financial year-end and adjusted if appropriate.

Property, Plant and Equipment

Property, plant and equipment is held at cost less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses.

Depreciation of property, plant and equipment is provided to write off the cost, less residual value, on a straight-line basis over their useful economic lives as follows:

  • Leasehold premises with lease terms of 50 years or less are depreciated over the remaining period of the lease;
  • Leasehold improvements are depreciated over the period of the lease to a maximum of 25 years;
  • Motor vehicles are depreciated over 3 years;
  • Fixtures, fittings and equipment are depreciated over 4 to 10 years according to the estimated life of the asset;
  • Computer equipment is depreciated over 3 years; and
  • Land is not depreciated.

Depreciation is expensed to the income statement within operating expenses.

Residual values, remaining useful economic lives and depreciation periods and methods are reviewed annually and adjusted if appropriate.

Impairment of Assets

Tangible and intangible assets that are subject to amortisation and depreciation are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. An impairment loss is recognised for the amount by which the asset's carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset's fair value less costs to sell and value in use. For the purposes of assessing impairment, assets are grouped at the lowest levels for which there are separately identifiable cash flows (cash-generating units). For goodwill, an annual impairment review is performed at each balance sheet date.


Finance Leases

Leases of property, plant and equipment where the Group has substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership are classified as finance leases. Finance leases are capitalised at the lease's inception at the lower of the fair value of the leased asset and the present value of the minimum lease payments. Each lease payment is allocated between the liability and finance charges so as to achieve a constant rate on the finance balance outstanding. The corresponding rental obligations, net of finance charges, are included in borrowings. The interest element of the rental is charged to the income statement over the lease period so as to produce a constant periodic rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability for each period.

Operating Leases

Leases in which a significant portion of the risks and rewards of ownership are retained by the lessor are classified as operating leases. Payments made under operating leases are charged to the income statement on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease. The benefit of incentives from lessors are recognised on a straight-line basis over the term of the lease.

Landlord Surrender Payments

Payments received from landlords in respect of the surrender of all or part of units previously occupied by the Group that do not represent an incentive for future rental commitments are recognised in the income statement on the exchange of contracts, where there are no further substantial acts to complete.

Sublease Income

The Group leases properties from which it no longer trades. These properties are often sublet to third parties. Rents receivable are recognised by offsetting the income against rental costs accounted for within selling and distribution costs in the income statement.


Inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realisable value. The cost of inventories is based on the weighted average cost principle and includes purchase costs, adjusted for rebates and other costs incurred in bringing them to their existing location.


A provision is recognised if, as a result of a past event, the Group has a present legal or constructive obligation that can be estimated reliably, and it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation. Provisions are determined by discounting the expected future cash flows at a pre-tax rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the liability. The unwinding of the discount is recognised as a finance cost.

Details of the provisions recognised and the significant estimates and judgements can be seen in note 19.

Where the Group expects a provision to be reimbursed, the reimbursement is recognised as a separate asset when the reimbursement is certain.

A provision for vacant properties is recognised when the expected benefits to be derived by the Group from a contract are lower than the unavoidable cost of meeting its obligations under the contract. The provision is measured at the present value of the lower of the expected cost of terminating the contract and the expected net cost of continuing with the contract. Before a provision is established, the Group recognises any impairment loss on the assets associated with that contract. The main uncertainty is the quantum and/or timing of the amounts payable, and the time value of money has been incorporated in to the provision amount to take account of this sensitivity.

Provision is also made for onerous contracts in loss-making stores and Autocentres which management do not expect to become profitable.

A rent review provision is recognised when there is expected to be additional obligations as a result of the rent review, which forms part of the Group's unavoidable cost of meeting its obligations under the lease contracts. The provision is based on management's best estimate of the rent payable after the review. Key uncertainties are the estimate of the rent payable after the review has occurred.

A dilapidations provision is recognised when there is future obligation relating to the maintenance of leasehold properties. The provision is based on management's best estimate of the obligation which forms part of the Group's unavoidable cost of meeting its obligations under the lease contracts. Key uncertainties are the estimates of amounts due.

Provisions for employer and product liability claims are recognised when an incident occurs or when a claim made against the Group is received that could lead to there being an outflow of benefits from the Group. The provision is based on management's best estimate of the settlement assisted by an external third party. The main uncertainty is the likelihood of success of the claimant and hence the pay-out, however a provision is only recognised where there is considered to be reasonable grounds for the claim.

Financial Instruments

i) Recognition and initial measurement

Trade receivables are initially recognised when they are originated. All other financial assets and financial liabilities are initially recognised when the Group becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument.

A financial asset (unless it is a trade receivable without a significant financing component) or financial liability is initially measured at fair value plus, for an item not at FVTPL, transaction costs that are directly attributable to its acquisition or issue. A trade receivable without a significant financing component is initially recognised at the transaction price.

ii) Classification and subsequent measurement

Financial assets – policy applicable from 1 April 2017

On initial recognition, a financial asset is measured at: amortised cost; FVOCI – equity instrument; or FVTPL.

Financial assets are not reclassified subsequent to their initial recognition unless the Group changes its business model for managing financial assets, in which case all affected financial assets are reclassified on the first day of the first reporting period following the change in the business model.

A financial asset is measured at amortised cost if it meets both of the following conditions and is not designated as at FVTPL:

  • It is held within a business model whose objective is to hold assets to collect contractual cash flows; and
  • Its contractual terms give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding.

On initial recognition of an equity instrument that is not held for trading, the Group may irrevocably elect to present subsequent changes in the investment's fair value in OCI. This election is made on an investment-by-investment basis.

All financial assets not measured at amortised cost or FVOCI as described above are measured at FVTPL. This includes all derivative financial assets (Note 21). On initial recognition, the Group may irrevocably designate a financial asset that otherwise meets the requirements to be measured at amortised cost or at FVOCI as at FVTPL if doing so eliminates or significantly reduces an accounting mismatch that would otherwise arise.

Financial assets: Business model assessment – policy applicable from 1 April 2017

The Group makes an assessment of the objective of the business model in which a financial asset is held at a CGU level because this best reflects the way the business is managed and information is provided to management. The information considered includes:

  • The stated policies and objectives for the business unit and the operation of those policies in practice. This includes whether a management's strategy focuses on earning contractual interest income, maintaining a particular interest rate portfolio, matching the duration of the financial assets to the duration of any related liabilities or expected cash outflows or realising cash flows through the sale of the assets;
  • How the performance of the business unit is evaluated and reported to Group's management;
  • The risks that affect the performance of the business model (and the financial assets held within that business unit) and how those risks are managed;
  • The frequency, volume and timing of sales of financial assets in prior periods, the reasons for such sales and expectations about future sales activity.

Financial assets that are held for trading or are managed and whose performance is evaluated on a fair value basis are measured at FVTPL.

Financial assets: Assessment whether contractual cash flows are solely payments of principal and interest – policy applicable from 1 April 2017

For the purposes of this assessment, 'principal' is defined as the fair value of the financial asset on initial recognition. 'Interest' is defined as consideration for the time value of money and for the credit risk associated with the principal amount outstanding during a particular period of time and for other basic lending risks and costs (e.g. liquidity risk and administrative costs), as well as profit margin.

In assessing whether contractual cash flows are solely payments of principal and interest, the Group considers the contractual terms of the instrument. This includes assessing whether the financial asset contains a contractual term that could change the timing or amount of contractual cash flows such that it would not meet this condition. In making this assessment, the Group considers:

  • Contingent events that would change the amount or timing of cash flows;
  • Terms that may adjust the contractual coupon rate, including variable rate features;
  • Prepayment and extension features; and
  • Terms that limit the Group's claim to cash flows from specified assets (e.g. non-recourse features).

Financial assets: Subsequent measurement and gains and losses – policy applicable from 1 April 2017

Financial assets at FVTPLThese assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Net gains and losses, including any interest or dividend income, are recognised in profit and loss. However, see Note 21 for derivatives designated as hedging instruments.
Financial assets at amortised costThese assets are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. The amortised cost is reduced by impairment losses. Interest income, foreign exchange gains and losses and impairment are recognised in profit or loss. Any gain or loss on derecognition is recognised in profit or loss.
Equity investments at FVOCIThese assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Dividends are recognised as income in profit or loss unless the dividend clearly represents a recovery of part of the cost of investment. Other net gains and losses are recognised in OCI and never reclassified to profit or loss.

Financial liabilities: Classification, subsequent measurement and gains and losses

Financial liabilities are classified as measured at amortised cost or FVTPL. A financial liability is classified as FVTPL if it is classified as held for trading, it is a derivative or it is designated as such on initial recognition. Financial liabilities at FVTPL are measured at fair value and net gains and losses, including any interest expense, are recognised in profit and loss. All other financial liabilities are recognised initially at their fair value and subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method.

iii) Derecognition

Financial assets

The Group derecognises a financial asset when the contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset expire, or it transfers the rights to receive the contractual cash flows in a transaction in which substantially all of the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset are transferred or in which the Group neither transfers nor retains substantially all of the risks and rewards of ownership and it does not retain control of the financial asset.

Financial liabilities

The Group derecognises a financial liability when its contractual obligations are discharged or cancelled, or expire. The Group also derecognises a financial liability when its terms are modified and the cash flows of the modified liability are substantially different, in which case a new financial liability based on the modified terms is recognised at fair value.

On derecognition of a financial liability, the difference between the carrying amount extinguished and the consideration paid (including any non-cash assets transferred or liabilities assumed) is recognised in profit or loss.

iv) Offsetting

Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset and the net position presented in the statement of financial position when, and only when, the Group currently has a legally enforceable right to set off the amounts and it intends either to settle them on a net basis or to realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.

v) Derivatives

Derivative financial instruments are used to manage risks arising from changes in foreign currency exchange rates relating to the purchase of overseas sourced products. The Group does not hold or issue derivative financial instruments for trading purposes. The Group uses the derivatives to hedge highly probable forecast transactions and therefore the instruments are designated as cash flow hedges.

Derivatives are initially recognised at fair value on the date a contract is entered into and are subsequently remeasured at their fair value.

At inception of designated hedging relationships, the Group documents the risk management objective and strategy for undertaking the hedge. The Group also documents the economic relationship between the hedged item and the hedging instrument, including whether the changes in the cash flows of the hedged item and hedging instrument are expected to offset each other.

The effective element of any gain or loss from re-measuring the derivative instrument is recognised in OCI and accumulated in the hedging reserve. Any element of the re-measurement of the derivative instrument that does not meet the criteria for an effective hedge is recognised immediately in the Group Income Statement within finance income or costs.

When the hedged forecast transaction subsequently results in the recognition of a non-financial item such as inventory, the amount accumulated in the hedging reserve is included directly in the initial cost of the non-financial item when it is recognised.

When a hedging instrument expires or is sold, or when a hedge no longer meets the criteria for hedge accounting, any cumulative gain or loss existing in other comprehensive income at that time remains in other comprehensive income and is recognised when the forecast transaction is ultimately recognised in the income statement. When a forecast transaction is no longer expected to occur, the cumulative gain or loss that was reported in other comprehensive income is recognised immediately in profit or loss.

The full fair value of a hedging derivative is classified as a non-current asset or liability if the remaining maturity of the hedged item is more than 12 months or as a current asset or liability, if the remaining maturity of the hedged item is less than 12 months.

vi) Impairment

Policy applicable from 1 April 2017

The Group recognises loss allowances for expected credit losses ("ECLs") on financial asset measured at amortised cost. These are always measured at an amount equal to lifetime ECL. The maximum period considered when estimating ECLs is the maximum contractual period over which the Group is exposed to credit risk.

When determining whether the credit risk of a financial asset has increased significantly since initial recognition and when estimating ECL, the Group considers reasonable and supportable information that is relevant and available without undue cost or effort. This includes both qualitative and quantitative information and analysis, based on the Group's historical experience and informed credit assessment and forward-looking information.

The Group assumes that the credit risk on a financial asset has increased significantly if it is more than 30 days past due. The Group considers a financial asset to be in default when the financial asset is more than 90 days past due.

Loss allowances for financial assets measured at amortised cost are deducted from the gross carrying amount of the assets.

The gross carrying amount of a financial asset is written off (either partially or in full) to the extent that there is no realistic prospect of recovery. This is generally the case when the Group determines that the debtor does not have the assets or sources of income that could generate sufficient cash flows to repay the amounts subject to the write off. However, financial assets that are written off could still be subject to enforcement activities in order to comply with the Group's procedures for recovery of amounts due.

Policy before 1 April 2017

A provision for impairment of trade receivables was established when there was objective evidence that the Group would not be able to collect all amounts due according to the original terms of receivables. The amount of the provision was determined as the difference between the asset's carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows, and was recognised in the income statement in operating expenses.

Estimates and Judgements

The preparation of the consolidated financial statements requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of policies and reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expenses. The estimates and associated assumptions are based on historical experience and various other factors that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis of making judgements about the carrying value of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. Actual results may differ from the estimates.

Judgements made by the directors in the application of these accounting policies that have a significant effect on the financial statements, relating to intangible asset valuations, estimates with a significant risk of material adjustment in the next year, relating to allowances against the carrying value of inventories, and other estimates, relating to impairment of assets are detailed below.

Allowances Against the Carrying Value of Inventories

The Group reviews the market value of and demand for its inventories on a periodic basis to ensure that recorded inventory is stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. In assessing the ultimate realisation of inventories, the Group is required to make judgements as to future demand requirements and to compare these with the current or committed inventory levels. Assumptions have been made relating to the timing and success of product ranges, which would impact estimated demand and selling prices.

Intangible Asset Valuations

The measurement of fair values on a business combination, the most recent of which was in FY17, requires the recognition and measurement of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities. The key judgements involved are the identification of which intangible assets meet the recognition criteria as set out in IAS 38, the fair values attributable to those intangible assets, excluding any buyer-specific synergies, and the useful lives of individual intangible assets. The useful lives of intangible assets relating to customer relationships involves judgement as to customer retention rates applicable.

Impairment of Assets

Goodwill and other assets are subject to impairment reviews based on whether current or future events and circumstances suggest that their recoverable value may be less than their carrying value. As stated in the Audit Committee report, the key judgement relates to the Car Servicing business. Recoverable amount is based on a calculation of expected future cash flows, which includes management assumptions and estimates of future performance. Details of the assumptions used in the impairment review of goodwill and other assets are explained in Note 11.

The carrying amount of these assets and liabilities can be seen in the notes to the financial statements.

Adoption of New and Revised Standards

The following standards and interpretations are applicable to the Group were adopted in the current period as they were mandatory for the year ended 30 March 2018 but either had no material impact on the result or net assets of the Group or were not applicable.

  • IAS 7 'Statement of cash flows' – amendments relating to the Disclosure Initiative.
  • IAS 12 'Income taxes' – amendments relating to recognition of deferred tax assets for unrealised losses.
  • IFRS 4 'Insurance contracts' – amendments relating to applying IFRS 9 with this standard.
  • Annual improvements to IFRS 2014 – 2016 Cycle (amendments to IFRS 12).

The Group has early adopted IFRS 9 'Financial Instruments' issued in July 2014 with a date of initial application of 1 April 2017. The requirements of IFRS 9 represent a significant change from IAS 39 'Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement'.

The nature and effects of the key changes to the Group's accounting policies resulting from its adoption of IFRS 9 are summarised below.

As a result of the adoption of IFRS 9, the Group adopted consequential amendments to IFRS 7 'Financial Instruments: Disclosures' that are applied to disclosures about 2017 but generally have not been applied to comparative information.

i) Classification of financial assets and financial liabilities

IFRS 9 contains three principal classification categories for financial assets: measured at amortised cost, FVOCI and FVTPL. The classification of financial assets under IFRS 9 is generally based on the business model in which a financial asset is managed and its contractual cash flow characteristics. IFRS 9 eliminates the previous IAS 39 categories of held to maturity, loans and receivables and available for sale. Under IFRS 9, investments in equity instruments that do not have a quoted price in an active market for an identical instrument are now measured at fair value rather than at cost. At application, any difference between the previous carrying amount and the fair value is recognised in the opening retained earnings for the financial year ended 30 March 2018.

For an explanation of how the Group classifies and measures financial assets and accounts for related gains and losses under IFRS 9, see Note 21.

The adoption of IFRS 9 has not had a significant effect on the Group's accounting policies for financial liabilities.

ii) Impairment of financial assets

IFRS 9 replaces the 'incurred loss' model in IAS 39 with an 'expected credit loss' (ECL) model. The new impairment model applies to financial assets measured at amortised cost, but not to investments in equity instruments. Under IFRS 9, credit losses are recognised earlier than under IAS 39 – see Note 21.

iii) Hedge accounting

The Group has elected to adopt the new general hedge accounting model in IFRS 9. This requires the Group to ensure that hedge accounting relationships are aligned with risk management objectives and strategy and to apply a more qualitative and forward-looking approach to assessing hedge effectiveness.

Derivative financial instruments are used to manage risks arising from changes in foreign currency exchange rates relating to the purchase of overseas sourced products. The Group does not hold or issue derivative financial instruments for trading purposes. The Group uses the derivatives to hedge highly probable forecast transactions and therefore the instruments are designated as cash flow hedges.

Derivatives are recognised at fair value on the date a contract is entered into and are subsequently remeasured at their fair value. The effective element of any gain or loss from re-measuring the derivative instrument is recognised directly in the hedging reserve.

The associated cumulative gain or loss is reclassified from the Group Statement of Changes in Equity and recognised in the Group Income Statement in the same period or periods during which the hedged transaction affects the Group Income Statement. Any element of the re-measurement of the derivative instrument that does not meet the criteria for an effective hedge is recognised immediately in the Group Income Statement within finance income or costs.

As the derivatives are used for forecast inventory purchases, the amounts accumulated in the cash flow hedge reserve are included directly in the initial cost of the inventory item once the inventory is recognised.

The full fair value of a hedging derivative is classified as a non-current asset or liability if the remaining maturity of the hedged item is more than 12 months or as a current asset or liability, if the remaining maturity of the hedged item is less than 12 months.

For an explanation of how the Group applies hedge accounting under IFRS 9, see Note 21.

iv) Transition

Changes in accounting policies resulting from the adoption of IFRS 9 have been applied retrospectively, except as described below:

  • The following assessments have been made on the basis of facts and circumstances that existed at the date of initial application:
    • The determination of the business model within which a financial asset is held.
    • The designation and revocation of certain financial assets and financial liabilities as measured at FVTPL.
    • The designation of certain investments in equity not held for trading as at FVOCI.
  • Changes to hedge accounting policies have been applied prospectively.
  • All hedging relationships designated under IAS 39 at 31 March 2017 met the criteria for hedge accounting under IFRS 9 at 1 April 2017 and are therefore regarded as continuing hedging relationships.

There was no impact, net of tax, on reserves and retained earnings at 1 April 2017.

v) Classification of financial assets and financial liabilities on the date of initial application of IFRS 9

The following table shows the original measurement categories under IAS 39 and the new measurement categories under IFRS 9 for each class of the Group's financial assets and liabilities as at 1 April 2017.

classification under IAS 39
classification under IFRS 9
carrying amount under
IAS 39
carrying amount under IFRS 9
Financial assets
Equity investments13FVPTLFVOCI8.18.1
Forward exchange contracts used for hedgingFair value – hedging instrumentFair value – hedging instrument5.25.2
Trade and other receivables*15Loans and receivablesAmortised cost28.528.5
Cash and cash equivalents16Loans and receivablesAmortised cost16.516.5
Total financial assets58.358.3
classification under IAS 39
classification under IFRS 9
carrying amount under
IAS 39
carrying amount under IFRS 9
Financial liabilities
Forward exchange contracts used for hedgingFair value – hedging instrumentFair value – hedging instrument(1.5)(1.5)
Borrowings17Other financial liabilitiesOther financial liabilities(90.4)(90.4)
Current tax liabilitiesOther financial liabilitiesOther financial liabilities(8.7)(8.7)
Finance lease liabilities17Other financial liabilitiesOther financial liabilities(12.0)(12.0)
Trade and other payables**18Other financial liabilitiesOther financial liabilities(113.2)(113.2)
Total financial liabilities(225.8)(225.8)

* Prepayments and accrued income of £29.9m are not included as a financial asset.

** Other taxation and social security payables of £25.1m, deferred income of £36.2m, accruals of £42.7m and other payables of £20.9m are not included as a financial liability.


The Group's accounting policies on the classification of financial instruments under IFRS 9 are set out in Note 21. The application of these policies resulted in reclassifications set out in the table above and explained below.

  1. These equity investments represent investments that the Group intends to hold for the long term for strategic purposes. As permitted by IFRS 9, the Group has designated these investments at the date of initial application as measured at FVOCI. There is no impact recognition of the investment as transition.
  2. Trade and other receivables that were classified as loans and receivables under IAS 39 are now classified at amortised cost. There was no increase in the allowance for impairment that was recognised in opening retained earnings at 1 April 2017 on transition to IFRS 9.

Hedge accounting

The retrospective application of IFRS 9 to hedge accounting has had no impact on the amounts presented for 2017 in respect of reserves or retained earnings.

New Standards and Interpretations Not Yet Adopted

The following standards and interpretations have been published, endorsed by the EU, and are available for early adoption, but have not yet been applied by the Group in these financial statements. The Group does not believe the adoption of these standards or interpretations would have a material impact on the consolidated results or financial position of the Group.

  • IFRIC 22 'Foreign Currency Transactions and Advance Consideration'.
  • IFRS 2 'Share-based payment' – amendment relating to classification and measurement of share-based payment transactions.
  • IFRS 40 'Investment property' – amendment relating to transfers of investment property.
  • Annual improvements to IFRS 2014 – 2016 Cycle (amendments to IFRS 1 and IAS 28).

The following standards and interpretations have been published but not yet endorsed by the EU. The Group does not believe the adoption of these standards or interpretations would have a material impact on the consolidated results or financial position of the Group.

  • IFRS 17 'Insurance contracts' – new standard requiring insurance liabilities to be measured at a current fulfilment value and providing a more uniform measurement and presentation approach for all insurance contracts.
  • IAS 28 'Investments in associates' – amendments relating to long-term interests in associates and joint ventures.
  • IAS 19 'Employee benefits' – amendments relating to plan amendment, curtailment or settlement.
  • IFRIC 23 'Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments'.
  • Annual improvements to IFRS 2015 – 2017 Cycle.
  • Amendments to References to the Conceptual Framework in IFRS standards.

The key new standards and interpretations affecting the Group are described below. The Group does not intend to early adopt these standards.

  • IFRS 15 'Revenue from contracts with customers' will be first effective for the year ended 29 March 2019. The Group has substantially completed an assessment of the impact of IFRS 15 and it is expected that adoption will not materially impact the Group's profit or net assets, on the basis that the majority of the Group's sales are for standalone products made direct to customers at standard prices either in-store or online. Provisions are already held for expected levels of returns and gift cards.
  • IFRS 16 'Leases' will be first effective for the year ending 3 April 2020. The Group has a large portfolio of leased properties and other equipment, including stores and warehouses. The minimum lease commitment on these is disclosed in note 12.

On adoption of IFRS 16, the lessee is required to recognise a right of use asset and a lease liability for future lease payables. The nature of expenses related to these leases will change because IFRS 16 replaces the straight line operating lease expense with a depreciation charge for right of use assets and interest expense on lease liabilities.

The Group has completed an initial assessment of the potential impact on its consolidated financial statements, but has not yet completed its detailed assessment. The exact financial impact of the standard is as yet unknown, as a number of factors will impact the calculation of the liability, such as discount rate and the expected term of leases including renewal options.

The Group plans to apply IFRS 16 initially on 30 March 2019, using a modified retrospective approach. Therefore, the cumulative effect of adopting IFRS 16 will be recognised as an adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings at 30 March 2019, with no restatement of comparative information.

When applying a modified retrospective approach to leases previously classified as operating leases under IAS 17, the lessee can elect, on a lease-by-lease basis, whether to apply a number of practical expedients on transition. The Group is assessing the potential impact of using these practical expedients.